Mission Statement
CONSIRT Working Papers are high quality, cross-national, comparative, English language scholarly work that communicates new ideas and has clear contributions to the social sciences. We encourage empirical and methodological papers that are deeply rooted in theory. Interdisciplinary work in this regard is also encouraged. Our mission is to promote these works in an open, electronic forum for the benefit of the international social science community.
Małgorzata Mikucka, University of Mannheim, Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the Higher School of Economics, and CONSIRT, malgorzata.mikucka@uclouvain.be
Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow, Polish Academy of Sciences and CONSIRT, dubrow.2@osu.edu
Recent Working Papers
Dubrow, Joshua Kjerulf and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow. 2014. “A History of Cross-national Survey Data Harmonization Projects in the Social Sciences: Emergence of an Interdisciplinary Methodological Field.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 1 (CONSIRT Labs: Methodology of Survey Data Harmonization) at consirt.osu.edu.
Powałko, Przemek. 2014. “Working with Big Data: Experiences with the Cross-national Survey Data Harmonization Project.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 2 (CONSIRT Labs: Methodology of Survey Data Harmonization) at consirt.osu.edu.
Schoene, Matthew and Marta Kolczynska. 2014. “Survey Data Harmonization and the Quality of Data Documentation in Cross-National Surveys.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 3 (CONSIRT Labs: Methodology of Survey Data Harmonization) at consirt.osu.edu.
Bartolini, Stefano, Francesco Sarracino and Laurent Theis. 2014. “Do People Care for a Sustainable Future? Evidence from Happiness Data.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 4 at consirt.osu.edu.
Mikucka, Malgorzata and Francesco Sarracino. 2014. “Making Economic Growth and Well-being Compatible: The Role of Trust and Income Inequality.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 5 at consirt.osu.edu.
Rotondi, Valentina and Luca Stanca. 2015. “The Effect of Particularism on Corruption: Theory and Empirical Evidence.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 6 at consirt.osu.edu.
Sarracino, Francesco and Malgorzata Mikucka. 2015. “Social Capital in Europe from 1990 to 2012: Trends, Path Dependence and Convergence.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 7 at consirt.osu.edu.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M., Przemek Powalko and Tadeusz Krauze. 2015. “The Large Number of Duplicate Records in International Survey Projects: The Need for Data Quality Control.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 8 (CONSIRT Labs: Methodology of Survey Data Harmonization) at consirt.osu.edu. REVISED see CONSIRT WPS 11
Mikucka, Malgorzata, Francesco Sarracino and Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow. 2015. “Costs and Benefits of Including or Omitting Interaction Terms: A Monte Carlo Simulation.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 9 at consirt.osu.edu.
Bakker, Femke E. and Valentina Rotondi. 2015. “A Particular View of Democracy: A Study into the Influence of Particularism on the Support for Democracy and Support for Shari’a in the Arab World.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series 10 at consirt.osu.edu.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M., Przemek Powalko and Tadeusz Krauze. 2016. “Non-unique Records in International Survey Projects: The Need for Extending Data Quality Control.” [REVISED] CONSIRT Working Papers Series 11 (CONSIRT Labs: Methodology of Survey Data Harmonization) at consirt.osu.edu.
What CONSIRT Working Papers Are
Papers in the CONSIRT Working Papers Series are pre-publication versions of the author(s)’ academic work. Working Papers posted on consirt.osu.edu are in progress, under submission, or forthcoming. Working Papers are produced on this site by the author(s) for the consumption of the international scientific community and others interested in this work. CONSIRT Working Papers are not subject to double-blind peer review. CONSIRT reviewed the Working Paper submission for general suitability, including criteria for professional scholarly work, but the quality of the Working Paper itself is the responsibility of the author(s). The form and content of papers are the responsibility of individual authors. The cover sheet is standard across all papers (subject to change), but the format of the rest of the work is not standardized. Comments on papers or questions about their content should be sent directly to the author(s), at their email address.
Who Can Submit a Working Paper
Currently, there are three categories of scholars who can submit a Working Paper: (1) affiliated members of CONSIRT, (2) those invited by an affiliated member of CONSIRT, and (3) those who submit during an open call for papers.
Submissions should be sent via email to the Editors of the CONSIRT Working Papers Series. Please include a cover letter within the body of the email detailing contact information of the corresponding author and a statement that the author(s) has full control over copyright of the submitted work.
Criteria for Selection
To maintain a high quality standard, we evaluate the general suitability of each submitted working paper according to the following criteria:
(a) Scholarly value: the paper must conform to our mission statement and have new ideas and clear contributions to a literature in the social sciences. Extended essays and conceptual musings do not qualify.
(b) Readability: the paper must be written in grammatically correct English with a minimum of academic and technical jargon. Theory, methods, results and the like must be clear and understandable to an international scholarly audience. If we have difficulty reading it, we will not select it.
(c) Structure: the paper must be clearly organized, with a logical flow of ideas and appropriate citations of relevant, previous work.
(d) Ethics: the paper’s research and presentation must conform to ethical standards as articulated by the international social science community. Standards of civility apply, here, as well.
The Editors of the CONSIRT Working Papers Series make the final decision as to whether a paper is accepted. The Editors will inform the corresponding author in writing as to the decision, but will not offer a review of the work beyond reference to criteria listed above.
Citation of CONSIRT Working Papers
Working Papers may be cited without seeking prior permission from the author(s). The proper form for citing CONSIRT Working Papers is:
Author(s). Year. “Title.” CONSIRT Working Papers Series [number in the series] at consirt.osu.edu.
Once a CONSIRT Working Paper has been published elsewhere, it is customary that it be cited in its final, published version, rather than in its Working Paper version.
Copyright Statement
Copyright to CONSIRT Working Papers remains with the author(s). Posting a Working Paper on consirt.osu.edu does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent publication elsewhere, including other working papers series. It is the current policy of CONSIRT to maintain all Working Papers posted on the CONSIRT website unless otherwise notified by the author(s). Users of this website may consume papers for their own personal use, but downloading of papers for any other activity, including but not limited to electronic reposting to the internet in any way, may only be done with the written consent of the author(s). It is the author(s)’s responsibility to know if copyright has been transferred upon publication elsewhere and to ask CONSIRT to have it removed from the site, if necessary.