

Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Director of CONSIRT [Website]

Prof. Kazimierz M. Slomczynski

Kazimierz M. Slomczynski is Emeritus Professor, Department of Sociology, OSU and Professor Dr. Hab. at the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is a leading expert in the methodology of cross-national research and longitudinal studies. Professor Slomczynski directs the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN, a unique longitudinal study on the transformation of the Polish stratification system after 1989. He is also Co-PI of the Survey Data Recycling (SDR) Project, which involves the ex-post harmonization of cross-national survey data sets from 1966 to 2017.  Substantively, Professor Slomczynski’s areas of expertise are Social Stratification, Occupations and Work, and Political Sociology.

Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Program Manager  [Website]

Irina Tomescu-Dubrow

Irina Tomescu-Dubrow is Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Director of the Graduate School for Social Research at PAN, and Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. Irina is Co-PI of the Survey Data Recycling (SDR) Project and of POLPAN 2018. She co-directs, with Prof. Slomczynski, the OSU Study Abroad Program in Poland. Her work includes research in social stratification, ethnicity, structural change, cross-national methodology, and political sociology.

Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow, Projects Coordinator  [Website]

Josh (2)Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow received his PhD from Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University. He is Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. He is the PI on the grant, “Political Voice and Economic Inequality across Nations and Time,” funded by the National Science Centre, Poland. His research interests are in social stratification, political inequality, intersectionality, and interdisciplinarity, among others.


The Steering Committee provides CONSIRT administration with professional advice and guidance on strategy design and supports them in identifying means to achieve CONSIRT’s objectives.

The composition of the Steering Committee reflects CONSIRT’s strive for excellence in both methodological and substantive research, as well as its focus on interdisciplinarity:

Claudia Buchmann, Professor and former Chair of the Department of Sociology, OSU

John Casterline, Professor, Department of Sociology, and Director of the Institute for Population Research, OSU

Michał Federowicz, Professor and former Director of the Graduate School for Social Research, PAN

Richard Herrmann, Professor and former Chair of the Department of Political Science, OSU

J. Craig Jenkins, Professor, Department of Sociology, OSU, and Chair of the CONSIRT Steering Committee

Andrzej Rychard, Professor and Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN

Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Vernal Riffe Professor of Political Science, Professor of Sociology, and Divisional Dean, College of Arts and Sciences


jimi adams, University of Colorado, Denver, USA

Edward Crenshaw, The Ohio State University, USA

Ewa Jarosz, Centre for Time Use Research, Oxford University, UK

Carolyn Keller, Keene State College, USA

Anna Kiersztyn, University of Warsaw, Poland

Michał Kotnarowski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Robert Kunovich, University of Texas, Arlingtonm USA

Sheri Kunovich, Southern Methodist University, USA

Melis Laebens, Yale University, USA

Olga Lavrinenko, University of Warsaw

Sandra Marquart-Pyatt, Michigan State University, USA

Malgorzata Mikucka, University of Mannheim, Germany

Olena Oleksiyenko, IFiS PAN, Poland

Nika Palaguta, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Clayton Peoples, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Helen Rizzo, The American University in Cairo, Egypt

Francesco Sarracino, STATEC, Luxembourg

Zuzanna Skóra, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Magda Szarota, Lancaster University, UK

Peter J. Tunkis, The Ohio State University, OSU

Anastas Vangeli, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Alicia Weaver, University of Alabama, USA

Kinga Wysienska-Di Carlo, Albert Shanker Institute, USA

Ilona Wysmulek, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Jakub Wysmułek, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Christina Xydias, Clarkson University, USA